
Capture more accurate insights from your supplemental application

Efficiently evaluate your entire applicant pool with a custom assessment that elicits deeper insights into your applicants
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Trusted by more than 300 universities  and 1100+ programs

undergrad reviewer services
Reviewer Services

Applicant insights
delivered exactly 
when you need them

Make more defensible admissions decisions with applicant insights delivered by a team of professional reviewers on your timeline
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More success stories

Discover how other undergraduate programs
are using Kira Talent

Guaranteed success at every step

Completely customizable

The Kira platform provides the canvas for your custom content and design, allowing you to engage and evaluate applicants in a way that works best for your program.

Equitable evaluation

Ensure consistency in the way your team interviews and assesses applicants for non-cognitive competencies, helping them reduce bias and make defensible decisions.

Real-time analytics

At-a-glance dashboards allow you to track everything from inter-rater reliability analytics to applicant integrity metrics.

Best-in-class service

Your dedicated Client Success Manager provides hands-on support to ensure your team and your applicants are always set up for success.
“With Kira, we’re able to run our admissions process smoothly and with minimal stress. An incredible amount 
of work goes into attaining the level of detail we need to identify and admit our best-fit applicants, and Kira takes that all on for us.”

Sarah Dickson-Anderson

Associate Dean Undergraduate,
McMaster's Faculty of Engineering
“Not only have we saved over 200 hours of work each cycle, 
but the efficiency and seamlessness of the overall process 
has been recognized by our reviewers and staff.”

Pete Ozias

Director of Student Affairs,
University of Missouri, Sinclair School of Nursing
“With Kira, we’ve increased the number of diverse applicants who’re applying and completing their interviews, and also the number of diverse students 
who ultimately enroll in our programs.”

Henry Cantu

Director, Admissions & Special Programs,
University of Texas Health San Antonio School of Nursing

Get started with Kira Talent

Want to see Kira’s solution come to life?
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